ARTICLE 4.1. Licensing of Public Adjusters  

SECTION 38.2-1845.1. Definitions
SECTION 38.2-1845.2. (Effective January 1, 2021) License required of resident public adjusters
SECTION 38.2-1845.3. Exemptions from article
SECTION 38.2-1845.4. Examinations
SECTION 38.2-1845.5. Licensing nonresidents; reciprocal agreements with other states and Canadian provinces
SECTION 38.2-1845.6. Individual moving into the Commonwealth from another state or Canadian province
SECTION 38.2-1845.7. Refusal to issue; hearing; new application
SECTION 38.2-1845.8. (Effective January 1, 2021) Renewal application and fee; reinstatement; waiver
SECTION 38.2-1845.9. (Effective January 1, 2021) Continuing education; approval of credits; failure to satisfy requirements; termination of license
SECTION 38.2-1845.10. Grounds for placing on probation, refusal to issue or renew, revocation, or suspension of license
SECTION 38.2-1845.11. Termination, suspension, or revocation of license
SECTION 38.2-1845.12. Standards of conduct for public adjusters
SECTION 38.2-1845.13. Contract between public adjuster and insured
SECTION 38.2-1845.14. Fees
SECTION 38.2-1845.15. Record retention
SECTION 38.2-1845.16. Escrow or trust accounts
SECTION 38.2-1845.17. (Effective January 1, 2021) Requirement to report to Commission
SECTION 38.2-1845.18. Information security program
SECTION 38.2-1845.19. What laws applicable; rulemaking authority
SECTION 38.2-1845.20. Immunities; confidentiality
SECTION 38.2-1845.21. Authority of Commission to delegate certain functions
SECTION 38.2-1845.22. (Effective January 1, 2021) Power of Commission to investigate affairs of persons engaged in the business of public adjusting; penalties for refusal to permit investigation
SECTION 38.2-1845.23. False information and advertising generally