ARTICLE 3. Licensing and Appointment of Agents  

SECTION 38.2-1819. (Effective January 1, 2021) Application for license; fee required; fingerprints
SECTION 38.2-1820. (Effective January 1, 2021) Issuance of license
SECTION 38.2-1821. Revocation, etc., of license revokes appointment
SECTION 38.2-1821.1. Exceptions to licensing
SECTION 38.2-1822. License required of individual and business entity agents; individual acting for business entity licensee
SECTION 38.2-1823. Penalty for acting for insurer, joint underwriting association, etc., when not licensed
SECTION 38.2-1824. (Effective January 1, 2021) Kinds of agents' licenses and appointments issued
SECTION 38.2-1825. Duration and termination of licenses and appointments
SECTION 38.2-1825.1. (Effective January 1, 2021) Renewal application and fee; compliance with continuing education requirements; reinstatement; waiver
SECTION 38.2-1826. (Effective January 1, 2021) Requirement to report to Commission
SECTION 38.2-1827. Appointment may include one or more classes of insurance
SECTION 38.2-1828. Selling accident and sickness insurance
SECTION 38.2-1829. Repealed
SECTION 38.2-1830. Temporary licenses and appointments; when issued
SECTION 38.2-1831. Grounds for placing on probation, refusal to issue or renew, revocation, or suspension of license
SECTION 38.2-1832. Refusal to issue and revocation of license; hearing; new application
SECTION 38.2-1833. Appointments of agents
SECTION 38.2-1834. Duration of appointment; annual renewal of agent's appointment
SECTION 38.2-1834.1. Notification to Commission of termination; notice to agent; immunities; confidentiality; penalties
SECTION 38.2-1835. Failure to appoint
SECTION 38.2-1836. Licensing nonresidents; reciprocal agreements with other states and Canadian provinces
SECTION 38.2-1836.1. Authority of Commission to delegate certain functions