ARTICLE 2. Establishment, Alteration, and Discontinuance of Highways  

SECTION 33.2-705. Continuance of powers of county authorities; alternative procedure
SECTION 33.2-706. How highways and bridges in counties established or altered; examination and report; width and grade of highways; employing engineer
SECTION 33.2-707. Duty of viewers
SECTION 33.2-708. Pay to viewers, commissioners, and engineers
SECTION 33.2-709. Consent of landowners
SECTION 33.2-710. Proceedings on report; notice to owners
SECTION 33.2-711. Guardian ad litem for persons under disability
SECTION 33.2-712. Defense allowed; what board may do
SECTION 33.2-713. Appointment of commissioners to assess damages
SECTION 33.2-714. Enhancement in value of residue
SECTION 33.2-715. Action of commissioners; report
SECTION 33.2-716. Appeal to circuit court
SECTION 33.2-717. Who shall pay costs, compensation, and damages
SECTION 33.2-718. Highways not to be established through cemetery or seminary of learning without owners' consent
SECTION 33.2-719. Abandonment of certain highways and railway crossings
SECTION 33.2-720. Supervisors may issue process
SECTION 33.2-721. Compensation of clerk of board
SECTION 33.2-722. Discontinuance of gates on public highways