ARTICLE 5. Allocation of Highway Funds

SECTION 33.2-351. Definition of "allocation."
SECTION 33.2-352. Asset management practices; report
SECTION 33.2-353. Commonwealth Transportation Board to develop and update Statewide Transportation Plan
SECTION 33.2-354. Commonwealth Transportation Board to develop and update Statewide Pedestrian Policy
SECTION 33.2-355. Goals for addressing transportation needs of populations with limited mobility
SECTION 33.2-356. Funding for extraordinary repairs
SECTION 33.2-357. Revenue-sharing funds for systems in certain localities
SECTION 33.2-358. Allocation of funds to programs
SECTION 33.2-359. Unpaved secondary highway funds
SECTION 33.2-360. Allocation of funds for interstate match
SECTION 33.2-361. Repealed
SECTION 33.2-363. Construction of U.S. Route 29 bypass
SECTION 33.2-364. Repealed
SECTION 33.2-365. Allocation of proceeds of Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Capital Projects Revenue Bonds
SECTION 33.2-366. Funds for counties that have withdrawn or elect to withdraw from the secondary state highway system
SECTION 33.2-367. Highway aid to mass transit
SECTION 33.2-368. Financial plans for transportation construction projects
SECTION 33.2-369. State of good repair
SECTION 33.2-370. High-priority projects program
SECTION 33.2-371. Highway construction district grant programs
SECTION 33.2-372. Interstate Operations and Enhancement Program
SECTION 33.2-373. Virginia Highway Safety Improvement Program
SECTION 33.2-374. Special Structure Program