ARTICLE 1. General Policies and Regulations  

SECTION 33.2-1200. Policy; definitions
SECTION 33.2-1201. Enforcement of provisions by Commissioner of Highways
SECTION 33.2-1202. Territory to which article applies
SECTION 33.2-1203. Entry upon lands; hindering Commissioner of Highways or agent
SECTION 33.2-1204. Excepted signs, advertisements, and advertising structures
SECTION 33.2-1205. License required of outdoor advertisers
SECTION 33.2-1206. Revocation of license and judicial review
SECTION 33.2-1207. Bond required from out-of-state licensee
SECTION 33.2-1208. Permits required
SECTION 33.2-1209. Applications for permits; fees
SECTION 33.2-1210. Duration and renewal of permit
SECTION 33.2-1211. Revocation of permit
SECTION 33.2-1212. Temporary permit
SECTION 33.2-1213. Appeal from refusal or revocation of permit
SECTION 33.2-1214. Transfer of licenses and permits to successor concerns
SECTION 33.2-1215. Identification of advertising structure or advertisement
SECTION 33.2-1216. Certain advertisements or structures prohibited
SECTION 33.2-1217. Special provisions pertaining to Interstate System, National Highway System, and federal-aid primary highways
SECTION 33.2-1218. Removal of billboard signs under this chapter prohibited without just compensation
SECTION 33.2-1219. Maintenance and repair of nonconforming billboard signs
SECTION 33.2-1220. Regulations and agreements with United States implementing § 33.2-1217
SECTION 33.2-1221. Selective pruning permits; fees; penalty
SECTION 33.2-1222. Tree-trimming policies
SECTION 33.2-1223. Pasting advertisements prohibited in certain instances
SECTION 33.2-1224. Signs or advertising on rocks, poles, etc., within limits of highway; civil penalty
SECTION 33.2-1225. Commissioner of Highways may enter into certain agreements; civil penalties
SECTION 33.2-1226. Harmony of regulations
SECTION 33.2-1227. Violation a nuisance; abatement
SECTION 33.2-1228. Disposition of fees
SECTION 33.2-1229. Penalties for violation
SECTION 33.2-1230. Adjustment or relocation of certain billboard signs
SECTION 33.2-1231. Construction of article