CHAPTER 36. Fertilizer  

SECTION 3.2-3600. Definitions
SECTION 3.2-3601. Authority of the Board and the Commissioner to adopt regulations
SECTION 3.2-3602. Local government regulation of fertilizer
SECTION 3.2-3602.1. Board authorized to adopt regulations for the application of regulated products to nonagricultural property; civil penalty
SECTION 3.2-3603. Publications
SECTION 3.2-3604. Exchanges between manufacturers
SECTION 3.2-3605. License and registration year; permit year
SECTION 3.2-3606. Distributor required to obtain license; fee
SECTION 3.2-3607. Product registration and label requirements; exemptions
SECTION 3.2-3607.1. Consumer education
SECTION 3.2-3607.2. Sale of deicing agents
SECTION 3.2-3608. Contractor-applicator permit
SECTION 3.2-3609. Reporting year; inspection fees; distribution to nonlicensees
SECTION 3.2-3610. Statistical reports
SECTION 3.2-3611. Labeling
SECTION 3.2-3612. Misbranding
SECTION 3.2-3613. Adulteration
SECTION 3.2-3614. Commercial value
SECTION 3.2-3615. Plant food deficiency
SECTION 3.2-3616. Assessments for variance from label guarantees
SECTION 3.2-3617. Fund established; disposition of fees, assessments, and penalties
SECTION 3.2-3618. Inspection, sampling and analysis; penalty
SECTION 3.2-3619. Stop sale, use, removal, or seizure orders; penalty
SECTION 3.2-3620. Seizure and condemnation
SECTION 3.2-3621. Cancellation of registration, permit, or license
SECTION 3.2-3622. Commissioner's actions; injunction
SECTION 3.2-3623. Repealed
SECTION 3.2-3624. Warning
SECTION 3.2-3625. Violations; civil penalties