ARTICLE 4. Conduct of Election; Election Results  

SECTION 24.2-643. (Effective January 1, 2021) Qualified voter permitted to vote; procedures at polling place; voter identification
SECTION 24.2-644. Voting by paper ballot; voting for presidential electors; write-in votes
SECTION 24.2-645. Defaced printed ballots
SECTION 24.2-646. Voter folds paper ballot and hands same to officer who deposits it unopened in ballot container
SECTION 24.2-646.1. Permitted use of paper ballots
SECTION 24.2-647. Voting systems; demonstration on election day
SECTION 24.2-648. Write-in votes on voting equipment
SECTION 24.2-649. Assistance for certain voters; penalties
SECTION 24.2-650. Officers to sign only official papers, etc
SECTION 24.2-651. Voter who is challenged; how challenge tried
SECTION 24.2-651.1. Voter who is shown as having already voted; provisional ballots
SECTION 24.2-652. Voter whose name erroneously omitted from pollbook; provisional ballots
SECTION 24.2-653. Provisional voting; procedures in polling place
SECTION 24.2-653.01. Provisional ballots; electoral boards to make determination as to validity
SECTION 24.2-653.1. Voters who did not receive absentee ballots; provisional ballots
SECTION 24.2-653.2. Ballots cast after normal close of polling hours due to court-ordered extension; provisional ballots
SECTION 24.2-653.3. Voters assigned to split precinct; provisional ballots
SECTION 24.2-654. Officers to lock and seal voting equipment and ascertain vote after polls closed; statement of results
SECTION 24.2-655. Representatives of political parties and candidates to be present on request
SECTION 24.2-656. Repealed
SECTION 24.2-657. Determination of vote on voting systems
SECTION 24.2-658. Machines with printed return sheets; disposition of sheets
SECTION 24.2-659. Locking voting systems after election and delivering keys to clerk; printed returns as evidence
SECTION 24.2-660. Repealed
SECTION 24.2-661. Detection and setting aside of double ballots
SECTION 24.2-662. Procedure when paper ballots exceed names on pollbooks
SECTION 24.2-663. When ballot void
SECTION 24.2-664. Reduction in number of ballots
SECTION 24.2-665. How paper ballots counted
SECTION 24.2-666. Procedures to account for paper ballots
SECTION 24.2-667. Completion of statement of results
SECTION 24.2-668. Pollbooks, statements of results, and ballots to be sealed and delivered to clerk or general registrar
SECTION 24.2-669. Clerk to keep ballots; inspection; destruction
SECTION 24.2-670. Clerk to send for books and ballots if not delivered by officers
SECTION 24.2-671. Electoral board to meet and ascertain results; conclusiveness of results
SECTION 24.2-671.1. Audits of ballot scanner machines
SECTION 24.2-672. Electoral board to correct irregularities in returns of officers of election
SECTION 24.2-673. Candidates having highest number of votes to receive certificate of election
SECTION 24.2-673.1. (Effective July 1, 2021; expires July 1, 2031) Ranked choice voting
SECTION 24.2-674. Determination by lot in case of tie
SECTION 24.2-675. Abstracts of votes to be made by secretary and forwarded to State Board and to clerks
SECTION 24.2-676. Secretary to make out and deliver certificate of election
SECTION 24.2-677. State Board to open and record returns; application of Freedom of Information Act
SECTION 24.2-678. Law-enforcement officer to be sent for abstracts not forwarded
SECTION 24.2-679. State Board to meet and make statement as to number of votes
SECTION 24.2-680. Certificates of election