ARTICLE 1. General Provisions; Powers and Duties  

SECTION 23.1-1200. Definitions; findings
SECTION 23.1-1201. Virginia College Building Authority established
SECTION 23.1-1202. Action by Authority may be authorized by resolution
SECTION 23.1-1203. Powers of Authority generally
SECTION 23.1-1204. Duties; administration of assets, moneys, or obligations
SECTION 23.1-1205. Powers; purchase or sale of bonds or other obligations of eligible institutions
SECTION 23.1-1206. Powers; acquisition or disposition of equipment
SECTION 23.1-1207. Powers; bonds of Authority generally
SECTION 23.1-1208. Security for bonds
SECTION 23.1-1209. Reserve fund; limitations
SECTION 23.1-1210. Payment on bonds; pledge of revenues
SECTION 23.1-1211. Default on payments
SECTION 23.1-1212. Investment of funds
SECTION 23.1-1213. Enforcement of rights and duties by bondholder or trustee under trust indenture
SECTION 23.1-1214. Exemption of bonds from taxation
SECTION 23.1-1215. Bonds made lawful investments
SECTION 23.1-1216. Annual report; examination of records, books, and accounts
SECTION 23.1-1217. Annual audit
SECTION 23.1-1218. Article liberally construed; powers of Authority not subject to supervision by certain entities
SECTION 23.1-1219. Jurisdiction of suits against Authority; service of process