CHAPTER 28. General Provisions  

SECTION 2.2-2800. Disability to hold state office
SECTION 2.2-2801. Disability to hold state office; exceptions
SECTION 2.2-2802. Exception as to public officer or employee who engages in war service or is called to active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States
SECTION 2.2-2803. Exception as to public officer or employee serving in the Selective Service System of the United States
SECTION 2.2-2804. Selective Service compliance
SECTION 2.2-2805. Members of armed forces; reserve forces
SECTION 2.2-2806. Holding other office by officers of state institutions
SECTION 2.2-2807. Prohibition against holding two elected offices simultaneously; exceptions
SECTION 2.2-2808. Acts under color of office; contracts in violation of chapter
SECTION 2.2-2809. Bonds of certain officers required; condition; form; effect of failure to give bond; additional bonds
SECTION 2.2-2810. Premiums on such bonds
SECTION 2.2-2811. Where bonds filed
SECTION 2.2-2812. Employment of personnel
SECTION 2.2-2812.1. State agencies prohibited from inquiring about arrests, charges, or convictions on employment applications; exceptions
SECTION 2.2-2813. Definitions; compensation and expense payments from state funds for service on collegial bodies
SECTION 2.2-2814. How salaries, expenses and other allowances paid; time of payment
SECTION 2.2-2815. Increase in salaries
SECTION 2.2-2816. Liability of salary of officer for debt he owes Commonwealth; how enforced; when officer's right to file petition barred
SECTION 2.2-2817. Defense of employees
SECTION 2.2-2817.1. State agencies to establish alternative work schedules; reporting requirement
SECTION 2.2-2817.2. Employees of the University of Virginia Medical Center
SECTION 2.2-2818. Health and related insurance for state employees
SECTION 2.2-2818.01. Employer contributions
SECTION 2.2-2818.1. Supplemental health insurance coverage; state employees eligible for military health insurance coverage
SECTION 2.2-2818.2. Application of mandates to the state employee health insurance plan
SECTION 2.2-2819. Purchase of continued health insurance coverage by the surviving spouse and any dependents of an active or retired state employee
SECTION 2.2-2820. Purchase of health insurance coverage by part-time state employees
SECTION 2.2-2820.1. Repealed
SECTION 2.2-2821. Workers' compensation insurance plan for state employees trust fund for payment of claims
SECTION 2.2-2821.1. Leave for bone marrow or organ donation
SECTION 2.2-2821.2. Leave for volunteer fire and volunteer emergency medical services
SECTION 2.2-2821.3. Leave for volunteer members of Civil Air Patrol
SECTION 2.2-2822. Ownership and use of patents and copyrights developed by certain public employees; Creative Commons copyrights
SECTION 2.2-2823. Traveling expenses on state business; public or private transportation
SECTION 2.2-2824. Monitoring travel expenses while on state business
SECTION 2.2-2825. Reimbursement for certain travel expenditures; restrictions on reimbursement
SECTION 2.2-2826. Travel expense accounts; review by Comptroller
SECTION 2.2-2827. Restrictions on state employee access to information infrastructure
SECTION 2.2-2828. Repealed
SECTION 2.2-2829. Disappearance of public officer; when office presumed vacant
SECTION 2.2-2830. Governor to fill vacancy in any state office where no other provision is made by law; term of appointment; benefits
SECTION 2.2-2831. Payment of severance benefits; exceptions
SECTION 2.2-2832. Retaliatory actions against persons providing testimony before a committee or subcommittee of the General Assembly