ARTICLE 7. Virginia Small Business Financing Authority  

SECTION 2.2-2279. Short title; definitions
SECTION 2.2-2280. Declaration of public purpose; Authority created
SECTION 2.2-2281. Construction of article
SECTION 2.2-2282. Board of directors; membership; terms, compensation and expenses; chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer; quorum; staff
SECTION 2.2-2283. Meetings of the Board
SECTION 2.2-2284. Executive Director; appointment; duties
SECTION 2.2-2285. Powers of the Authority
SECTION 2.2-2286. Power to condemn
SECTION 2.2-2287. Power to borrow money and issue bonds
SECTION 2.2-2288. Power to issue bonds to purchase ninety percent guaranteed portion of loans
SECTION 2.2-2289. Power to issue umbrella bonds
SECTION 2.2-2290. Insurance or guarantee fund
SECTION 2.2-2291. Security for bonds; fees and expenses; limitations
SECTION 2.2-2292. Public hearing and approval
SECTION 2.2-2293. Loans to lenders; conditions
SECTION 2.2-2294. Investment in, purchase or assignment of loans; conditions
SECTION 2.2-2295. Regulations of the Authority
SECTION 2.2-2296. How bonds paid and secured
SECTION 2.2-2297. Liability of Commonwealth, political subdivisions and members of Board
SECTION 2.2-2298. Authorization of bonds by resolution; contents of bond sale; manner
SECTION 2.2-2299. Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; provisions
SECTION 2.2-2300. Pledge by Authority
SECTION 2.2-2301. Purchase of bonds of Authority
SECTION 2.2-2302. Bonds secured by indenture; contents; expenses; how treated
SECTION 2.2-2303. Signatures of prior members or officers; validity
SECTION 2.2-2304. Deposit of money; expenditures; security for deposits
SECTION 2.2-2305. Contracts with holders of bonds; how money secured
SECTION 2.2-2306. Bondholder protection
SECTION 2.2-2307. Bonds as legal investments and securities
SECTION 2.2-2308. Expenses of Authority; liability of Commonwealth or political subdivision prohibited
SECTION 2.2-2309. Creation, administration, and management of Virginia Export Fund
SECTION 2.2-2310. Creation, administration, and management of Virginia Small Business Growth Fund
SECTION 2.2-2311. Repealed
SECTION 2.2-2311.1. Creation, administration, and management of the Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business Loan Fund
SECTION 2.2-2312. Annual report; audit
SECTION 2.2-2313. Exemption from taxation
SECTION 2.2-2314. Administrative Process Act not applicable