ARTICLE 6. Virginia Public Building Authority  

SECTION 2.2-2260. Short title; definition
SECTION 2.2-2261. Virginia Public Building Authority created; purpose; membership; terms; expenses; staff
SECTION 2.2-2262. Board of directors
SECTION 2.2-2263. Powers and duties of Authority; limitations
SECTION 2.2-2264. Revenue bonds generally
SECTION 2.2-2265. Trust agreement securing bonds
SECTION 2.2-2266. Rents, fees and charges for financing or refinancing, services or use of facilities; use and disposition of revenues
SECTION 2.2-2267. Moneys received deemed trust funds
SECTION 2.2-2268. Proceedings by bondholder or trustee to enforce rights
SECTION 2.2-2269. Bonds made securities for investment and deposit
SECTION 2.2-2270. Revenue refunding bonds; bonds for refunding and for cost of additional projects
SECTION 2.2-2271. Grants or loans of public or private funds
SECTION 2.2-2272. Moneys of Authority; audit
SECTION 2.2-2273. Contracts, leases and other arrangements
SECTION 2.2-2274. Resolutions, rules and regulations, etc
SECTION 2.2-2275. Competition in award of contracts; contractors to give surety; terms of contracts
SECTION 2.2-2276. Eminent domain; right of entry
SECTION 2.2-2277. Jurisdiction of suits against Authority; service of process
SECTION 2.2-2278. Exemption from taxes or assessments