ARTICLE 10. Fort Monroe Authority Act  

SECTION 2.2-2336. Short title; declaration of public purpose; Fort Monroe Authority created; successor in interest to Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority
SECTION 2.2-2337. Definitions
SECTION 2.2-2338. Board of Trustees; membership
SECTION 2.2-2339. Duties of the Authority
SECTION 2.2-2339.1. Fort Monroe Master Plan; approval by Governor
SECTION 2.2-2340. Additional declaration of policy; powers of the Authority; penalty
SECTION 2.2-2341. Relationship to the City of Hampton
SECTION 2.2-2341.1. Control over the use of certain vehicles
SECTION 2.2-2342. Payments to Commonwealth or political subdivisions thereof; payments to the City of Hampton
SECTION 2.2-2343. Authority may borrow money, accept contributions, etc
SECTION 2.2-2344. Authority empowered to issue bonds; additional security; liability thereon
SECTION 2.2-2345. Powers and duties of executive director
SECTION 2.2-2346. Legal services
SECTION 2.2-2347. Exemption from taxation
SECTION 2.2-2348. Rents, fees, and charges; disposition of revenues
SECTION 2.2-2348.1. Ratification of the ownership of certain lands in the City of Hampton known as Fort Monroe; ownership and operation of utilities
SECTION 2.2-2349. Powers conferred additional and supplemental; liberal construction
SECTION 2.2-2349.1. Chapter controlling over inconsistent laws
SECTION 2.2-2350. Sovereign immunity