ARTICLE 1. General Provisions  

SECTION 2.2-1800. Department of the Treasury; State Treasurer
SECTION 2.2-1801. State Treasurer to appoint administrative assistants, etc
SECTION 2.2-1802. Payment of state funds into state treasury; deposits in state depositories; credit of fund not paid into general fund; exceptions as to endowments and gifts to institutions; appropriations by federal government
SECTION 2.2-1803. State Treasurer; regulation procedures for depositing money
SECTION 2.2-1804. Payment by delivery of checks, etc., to State Treasurer; liability when not paid on presentation
SECTION 2.2-1805. Records of receipts of such checks, etc.; reports to Comptroller
SECTION 2.2-1806. Investment of current funds in state treasury; withdrawals and transfers of moneys to be invested
SECTION 2.2-1807. Investments, etc., in custody of State Treasurer
SECTION 2.2-1808. State Treasurer may sell securities in general fund; exceptions; disposition of proceeds
SECTION 2.2-1809. Warrants on state treasury to be listed and numbered
SECTION 2.2-1810. State Treasurer to keep accounts with depositories
SECTION 2.2-1811. Unpresented checks drawn by State Treasurer; replacement and payment
SECTION 2.2-1812. Admissibility of reproductions of checks in evidence; compliance with subpoena