ARTICLE 3. Division of Purchases and Supply  

SECTION 2.2-1109. Division of Purchases and Supply established
SECTION 2.2-1110. Using agencies to purchase through Division of Purchases and Supply; exception
SECTION 2.2-1111. Purchases to be made in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) and regulations of Division; exempt purchases
SECTION 2.2-1112. Standardization of materials, equipment and supplies
SECTION 2.2-1113. Printing management coordination; uniform standards for state forms
SECTION 2.2-1114. Regulations as to estimates and requisitions; submission of estimates
SECTION 2.2-1115. Execution of contracts; payment for purchases; violations
SECTION 2.2-1115.1. Standard vendor accounting information
SECTION 2.2-1116. Purchase of products and services of state correctional facilities
SECTION 2.2-1117. Purchases from Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired; violation
SECTION 2.2-1118. Purchases from employment services organizations of Virginia serving individuals with disabilities
SECTION 2.2-1119. Cases in which purchasing through Division not mandatory
SECTION 2.2-1120. Direct purchases by using agencies and certain charitable corporations and private nonprofit institutions of higher education
SECTION 2.2-1121. Repealed
SECTION 2.2-1122. Aid and cooperation of Division may be sought by any public body or public broadcasting station in making purchases; use of facilities of Virginia Distribution Center; services to certain volunteer organizations
SECTION 2.2-1123. Acquisition of surplus materials from the United States government
SECTION 2.2-1124. Disposition of surplus materials
SECTION 2.2-1125. Proceeds from the sale or recycling of surplus materials
SECTION 2.2-1126. Repealed
SECTION 2.2-1128. Sale of state flag