ARTICLE 8. Miscellaneous Dangerous Conduct

SECTION 18.2-312. Illegal use of tear gas, phosgene and other gases
SECTION 18.2-313. Handling or using snakes so as to endanger human life or health
SECTION 18.2-313.1. Withholding information about possibly rabid animal; penalty
SECTION 18.2-313.2. Introduction of snakehead fish or zebra mussel; penalty
SECTION 18.2-314. Failing to secure medical attention for injured child
SECTION 18.2-315. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-316. Duty of persons causing well or pit to be dug to fill it before abandonment
SECTION 18.2-317. Covers to be kept on certain wells
SECTION 18.2-318. Authority of counties, cities and towns to require and regulate well covers
SECTION 18.2-319. Discarding or abandoning iceboxes, etc.; precautions required
SECTION 18.2-320. Sale, etc., of plastic bags; warning required
SECTION 18.2-321. Using X ray, fluoroscope, etc., in the fitting of footwear
SECTION 18.2-322. Expectorating in public places
SECTION 18.2-322.1. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-323. Leaving disabled or dead animal in road, or allowing dead animal to remain unburied
SECTION 18.2-323.01. Prohibition against disposal of dead body; penalty
SECTION 18.2-323.02. Prohibition against concealment of dead body; penalty
SECTION 18.2-323.1. Drinking while operating a motor vehicle; possession of open container while operating a motor vehicle and presumption; penalty
SECTION 18.2-324. Throwing or depositing certain substances upon highway; removal of such substances
SECTION 18.2-324.1. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-324.2. Use of unmanned aircraft system for certain purposes; penalty