ARTICLE 5. Trespass to Realty  

SECTION 18.2-119. Trespass after having been forbidden to do so; penalties
SECTION 18.2-119.1. Validity of signs forbidding trespass; penalty
SECTION 18.2-120. Instigating, etc., such trespass by others; preventing service to persons not forbidden to trespass
SECTION 18.2-121. Entering property of another for purpose of damaging it, etc
SECTION 18.2-121.1. Permitting certain animals to run at large
SECTION 18.2-121.2. Trespass by spotlight on agricultural land
SECTION 18.2-121.3. Trespass with an unmanned aircraft system; penalty
SECTION 18.2-122. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-123. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-124. Jurisdiction over offenses committed in Capitol Square
SECTION 18.2-125. Trespass at night upon any cemetery
SECTION 18.2-126. Violation of sepulture; defilement of a dead human body; penalties
SECTION 18.2-127. Injuries to churches, church property, cemeteries, burial grounds, etc.; penalty
SECTION 18.2-128. Trespass upon church or school property
SECTION 18.2-129. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-130. Peeping or spying into dwelling or enclosure
SECTION 18.2-130.1. Peeping or spying into dwelling or occupied building by electronic device; penalty
SECTION 18.2-131. Trespass upon licensed shooting preserve
SECTION 18.2-132. Trespass by hunters and fishers
SECTION 18.2-132.1. Trespass by hunters using dogs; penalty
SECTION 18.2-133. Refusal of person on land, etc., of another to identify himself
SECTION 18.2-134. Trespass on posted property
SECTION 18.2-134.1. Method of posting lands
SECTION 18.2-135. Destruction of posted signs; posting land of another
SECTION 18.2-136. Right of certain hunters to go on lands of another; carrying firearms or bows and arrows prohibited
SECTION 18.2-136.1. Enforcement of §§ 18.2-131 through 18.2-135