ARTICLE 3. Larceny and Receiving Stolen Goods  

SECTION 18.2-95. Grand larceny defined; how punished
SECTION 18.2-96. Petit larceny defined; how punished
SECTION 18.2-96.1. Identification of certain personalty
SECTION 18.2-97. Larceny of certain animals and poultry
SECTION 18.2-97.1. Removal of a transmitting device; penalty
SECTION 18.2-98. Larceny of bank notes, checks, etc., or any book of accounts
SECTION 18.2-98.1. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-99. Larceny of things fixed to the freehold
SECTION 18.2-100. Removal of crop by tenant before rents and advances are satisfied
SECTION 18.2-101. Selling, etc., of goods distrained or levied on
SECTION 18.2-102. Unauthorized use of animal, aircraft, vehicle or boat; consent; accessories or accomplices
SECTION 18.2-102.1. Removal of shopping cart from store premises
SECTION 18.2-102.2. Unauthorized use of dairy milk cases or milk crates; penalty
SECTION 18.2-103. Concealing or taking possession of merchandise; altering price tags; transferring goods from one container to another; counseling, etc., another in performance of such acts
SECTION 18.2-104. Punishment for conviction of misdemeanor larceny
SECTION 18.2-104.1. Liability upon conviction under § 18.2-103
SECTION 18.2-105. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-105.1. Detention of suspected shoplifter
SECTION 18.2-105.2. Manufacture, sale, etc., of devices to shield against electronic detection of shoplifting prohibited; penalty
SECTION 18.2-106. "Agents of the merchant" defined
SECTION 18.2-107. Theft or destruction of public records by others than officers
SECTION 18.2-108. Receiving, etc., stolen goods
SECTION 18.2-108.1. Receipt of stolen firearm
SECTION 18.2-108.01. Larceny with intent to sell or distribute; sale of stolen property; penalty
SECTION 18.2-109. Receipt or transfer of possession of stolen vehicle, aircraft or boat
SECTION 18.2-110. Repealed