ARTICLE 7. Escape of Communications With and Deliveries to Prisoners

SECTION 18.2-473. Persons aiding escape of prisoner or child
SECTION 18.2-473.1. Communication with prisoners or committed person; penalty
SECTION 18.2-474. Delivery of articles to prisoners or committed person
SECTION 18.2-474.1. Delivery of drugs, firearms, explosives, etc., to prisoners or committed persons
SECTION 18.2-475. Officers, etc., voluntarily allowing person convicted, charged, or adjudicated delinquent of felony to escape; penalty
SECTION 18.2-476. Officers, etc., willfully and deliberately permitting person convicted of, charged with, or adjudicated delinquent of a nonfelonious offense to escape or willfully refusing to receive person; penalty
SECTION 18.2-477. Prisoner escaping from jail; how punished
SECTION 18.2-477.1. Escapes from juvenile facility; penalty
SECTION 18.2-477.2. Punishment for certain offenses committed within a secure juvenile facility or detention home
SECTION 18.2-478. Escape from jail or custody by force or violence without setting fire to jail
SECTION 18.2-479. Escape without force or violence or setting fire to jail
SECTION 18.2-479.1. Repealed
SECTION 18.2-480. Escape, etc., by setting fire to jail
SECTION 18.2-480.1. Admissibility of records of Department of Corrections in escape cases