ARTICLE 3. Procedure in Civil Cases  

SECTION 16.1-79. Actions brought on warrant
SECTION 16.1-79.1. Electronic filing of civil cases
SECTION 16.1-80. Service of warrant and return thereof
SECTION 16.1-81. Actions brought by motion for judgment
SECTION 16.1-81.1. Certain corporations; pro se representation
SECTION 16.1-82. Service of motion; return thereon and delivery to the court; how disposed of
SECTION 16.1-83. Consent of parties required for trial within five days of service
SECTION 16.1-83.1. Certification of expert witness opinion at time of service of process
SECTION 16.1-84. When action or proceeding not lost; when matured for hearing
SECTION 16.1-85. What term "warrant" to include
SECTION 16.1-86. When action deemed brought
SECTION 16.1-86.1. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-87. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-88. Procedure when plaintiff sues on sworn claim
SECTION 16.1-88.01. Counterclaims
SECTION 16.1-88.02. Cross-claims
SECTION 16.1-88.03. Pleadings and other papers by certain parties not represented by attorneys
SECTION 16.1-88.1. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-88.2. Evidence of medical reports or records; testimony of health care provider or custodian of records
SECTION 16.1-89. Subpoena duces tecum; attorney-issued subpoena duces tecum
SECTION 16.1-90. Recognizance upon continuation of case
SECTION 16.1-91. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-91.1. Costs to be included in judgment on forthcoming bond
SECTION 16.1-91.2. Judge to keep record of judgment on forthcoming bond; how to endorse execution
SECTION 16.1-92. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-93. Principles applicable to trial of cases
SECTION 16.1-93.1. Use of telephonic communication systems or electronic video and audio communication systems to conduct hearing
SECTION 16.1-94. Judgment to be noted on papers; formal orders may be entered
SECTION 16.1-94.01. When and how satisfaction entered on judgment
SECTION 16.1-94.1. Limitations on enforcement of district court judgments
SECTION 16.1-95. Abstract of judgment
SECTION 16.1-96. What abstract to contain
SECTION 16.1-97. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-97.1. When a new trial is granted
SECTION 16.1-98. Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment
SECTION 16.1-99. When and where executions returnable; to whom directed
SECTION 16.1-100. Additional executions; by whom issued
SECTION 16.1-101. Proceedings against officer failing to make or making improper return
SECTION 16.1-102. Officers and sureties liable for money collected after return day
SECTION 16.1-103. Proceedings by interrogatories
SECTION 16.1-104. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-105. Attachments
SECTION 16.1-106. Appeals from courts not of record in civil cases
SECTION 16.1-106.1. Withdrawal of appeal in civil cases
SECTION 16.1-107. Requirements for appeal
SECTION 16.1-108. Deposit of money in lieu of bond
SECTION 16.1-109. Appellate court may require new or additional security
SECTION 16.1-110. Bankruptcy of appellant does not release surety
SECTION 16.1-111. Court to which appeal sent
SECTION 16.1-112. All papers transmitted to appellate court; further proceedings
SECTION 16.1-113. How appeals tried
SECTION 16.1-114. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-114.1. Principles applicable in trial of appeals; defective or irregular warrants or motions
SECTION 16.1-115. Repealed
SECTION 16.1-116. Issuance of executions and abstracts and proceedings by interrogatories after papers returned to circuit court
SECTION 16.1-117. When papers in civil cases in certain municipal courts may be destroyed
SECTION 16.1-118. When papers in civil cases returned to courts of record may be destroyed
SECTION 16.1-118.1. Destruction of papers in civil cases in certain district courts