ARTICLE 16. Psychiatric Treatment of Minors Act  

SECTION 16.1-335. Short title
SECTION 16.1-336. Definitions
SECTION 16.1-336.1. Admission forms
SECTION 16.1-337. Inpatient treatment of minors; general applicability; disclosure of records
SECTION 16.1-337.1. Order of involuntary commitment or mandatory outpatient treatment forwarded to Central Criminal Records Exchange; certain voluntary admissions forwarded to Central Criminal Records Exchange; firearm background check
SECTION 16.1-338. Parental admission of minors younger than 14 and nonobjecting minors 14 years of age or older
SECTION 16.1-339. Parental admission of an objecting minor 14 years of age or older
SECTION 16.1-339.1. Minors in detention homes or shelter care facilities
SECTION 16.1-340. Emergency custody; issuance and execution of order
SECTION 16.1-340.1. Involuntary temporary detention; issuance and execution of order
SECTION 16.1-340.1.1. Facility of temporary detention
SECTION 16.1-340.2. Transportation of minor in the temporary detention process
SECTION 16.1-340.3. Release of minor prior to commitment hearing for involuntary admission
SECTION 16.1-340.4. Involuntary commitment; preadmission screening report
SECTION 16.1-341. Involuntary commitment; petition; hearing scheduled; notice and appointment of counsel
SECTION 16.1-342. Involuntary commitment; clinical evaluation
SECTION 16.1-343. Involuntary commitment; duties of attorney for the minor
SECTION 16.1-344. Involuntary commitment; hearing
SECTION 16.1-345. Involuntary commitment; criteria
SECTION 16.1-345.1. Use of electronic communication
SECTION 16.1-345.2. Mandatory outpatient treatment; criteria; orders
SECTION 16.1-345.3. Monitoring mandatory outpatient treatment; motion for review
SECTION 16.1-345.4. Court review of mandatory outpatient treatment plan
SECTION 16.1-345.5. Continuation of mandatory outpatient treatment order
SECTION 16.1-345.6. Appeal of final order
SECTION 16.1-346. Treatment plans; periodic review of status
SECTION 16.1-346.1. Discharge plan
SECTION 16.1-347. Fees and expenses for qualified evaluators
SECTION 16.1-348. Availability of judge