ARTICLE 2. Provisions Applicable to All Bonds  

SECTION 15.2-2604. Powers generally
SECTION 15.2-2605. Collection of rents and charges; liens on real estate; discharge and enforcement of liens
SECTION 15.2-2606. Public hearing before issuance of bonds
SECTION 15.2-2607. Provisions which may be embodied in bond ordinances or resolution; adoption; filing copy with court
SECTION 15.2-2608. Bonds for revenue-producing undertakings
SECTION 15.2-2609. Covenants relating to issuance of revenue bonds
SECTION 15.2-2610. Request for referendum filed with court; order for election; notice
SECTION 15.2-2611. Holding of election; order authorizing bonds; authority of governing body
SECTION 15.2-2612. Dating; rate of interest; maturity; denomination; place of payment
SECTION 15.2-2613. Form and manner of execution; signature of person ceasing to be officer
SECTION 15.2-2614. Bearer, registered or book entry form
SECTION 15.2-2615. Bonds deemed negotiable instruments
SECTION 15.2-2616. Interim receipts or temporary bonds exchangeable for definitive bonds
SECTION 15.2-2617. Sale of bonds
SECTION 15.2-2618. Disposition of proceeds; separate fund
SECTION 15.2-2619. Investment of proceeds pending application to authorized purpose
SECTION 15.2-2620. Bonds made legal investments
SECTION 15.2-2621. Bonds mutilated, lost or destroyed
SECTION 15.2-2622. Destruction of bonds and coupons after payment in full
SECTION 15.2-2623. Defeasance of indebtedness; rights of owners
SECTION 15.2-2624. Tax to pay principal and interest
SECTION 15.2-2625. Deposit of funds; security; investment of funds
SECTION 15.2-2626. Contracts concerning interest rates, currency, cash flow or other basis
SECTION 15.2-2627. Time for contesting validity of proposed bond issue; when bonds presumed valid
SECTION 15.2-2628. Notes in anticipation of bond issue
SECTION 15.2-2629. Loans to meet appropriations for current year
SECTION 15.2-2630. Loans in anticipation of federal and state funds
SECTION 15.2-2631. Terms of temporary loans