ARTICLE 5. Water Supply Systems Generally  

SECTION 15.2-2134. Construction of dams, etc., for purpose of providing public water supply; approval by governing body of locality
SECTION 15.2-2135. Disputes between jurisdictions involving dams or water impoundment; constitution of special court; vacancies occurring during trial
SECTION 15.2-2136. Powers of special court; rules of decision; order controlling subsequent conduct of case
SECTION 15.2-2137. Special court; hearing and decision
SECTION 15.2-2138. Dispute between jurisdictions; additional parties
SECTION 15.2-2139. Special court; costs
SECTION 15.2-2140. Dispute between jurisdictions; appeals
SECTION 15.2-2141. Conflicting petitions for same territory; petition seeking territory in two or more counties
SECTION 15.2-2142. Certain localities may construct dams across navigable streams; permission from Chief of Engineers, Secretary of Army and State Attorney General; approval of governing body
SECTION 15.2-2143. Water supplies and facilities
SECTION 15.2-2144. Inspection of water supplies
SECTION 15.2-2145. Sale of water and use of streets by one city in another
SECTION 15.2-2146. Powers of localities to acquire certain waterworks system
SECTION 15.2-2147. City acquiring plant within one mile of another city
SECTION 15.2-2148. Contracts for water supply