ARTICLE 4. Attorney for the Commonwealth  

SECTION 15.2-1626. Attorney for the Commonwealth
SECTION 15.2-1627. Duties of attorneys for the Commonwealth and their assistants
SECTION 15.2-1627.1. Salaries of attorneys for the Commonwealth and assistants
SECTION 15.2-1627.2. Disposition of fees of attorneys for the Commonwealth
SECTION 15.2-1627.3. Attorneys for the Commonwealth and city attorneys; in criminal cases; when no costs or fees taxed
SECTION 15.2-1627.4. Coordination of multidisciplinary response to sexual assault
SECTION 15.2-1627.5. Coordination of multidisciplinary response to child sexual abuse and the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults
SECTION 15.2-1628. Attorneys for the Commonwealth and assistants in certain counties to devote full time to duties; no additional compensation for substituting for or assisting any other attorney for the Commonwealth or assistant
SECTION 15.2-1629. Part-time attorneys for the Commonwealth in certain counties may seek full-time status
SECTION 15.2-1630. Attorneys for the Commonwealth for cities; no additional compensation for substituting for or assisting any other attorney for the Commonwealth or assistant
SECTION 15.2-1631. Part-time attorneys for the Commonwealth in certain cities may seek full-time status
SECTION 15.2-1632. Employment of assistants to attorneys for the Commonwealth, subject to approval of Compensation Board
SECTION 15.2-1633. Part-time compensated assistants to attorneys for the Commonwealth