ARTICLE 1. General Provisions for Certain Officers and Employees  

SECTION 15.2-1500. Organization of local government
SECTION 15.2-1500.1. Employment discrimination prohibited; sexual orientation or gender identity
SECTION 15.2-1501. Designation of officers to perform certain duties
SECTION 15.2-1502. Employment of certain deputies and assistants; delegation of powers and duties
SECTION 15.2-1503. Tenure of officers and employees; suspension or removal
SECTION 15.2-1503.1. Background checks required for certain employees and licensees
SECTION 15.2-1504. Use of tobacco products by government employees
SECTION 15.2-1505. Employment based on residency prohibited for certain employees
SECTION 15.2-1505.1. Applicant preemployment information
SECTION 15.2-1505.2. Personnel policies related to the use of public property
SECTION 15.2-1505.3. Localities prohibited from inquiring about arrests, charges, or convictions on employment applications; exceptions
SECTION 15.2-1506. Establishment of grievance procedure, personnel system and uniform pay plan for employees
SECTION 15.2-1507. Provision of grievance procedure; training programs
SECTION 15.2-1507.1. Appointment of standing panel in certain counties
SECTION 15.2-1508. Bonuses for employees of local governments
SECTION 15.2-1508.1. Traveling expenses on business of town, city or county
SECTION 15.2-1508.2. Same; where Commonwealth bears portion of expenses
SECTION 15.2-1508.3. Governing bodies of certain cities and counties may supplement salaries and reimburse traveling expenses of employees of state and local health departments
SECTION 15.2-1508.4. Certain counties and cities may supplement salaries and reimburse traveling expenses of employees of state mental health clinics
SECTION 15.2-1509. Preferences for veterans in local government employment
SECTION 15.2-1510. Retirement systems
SECTION 15.2-1510.1. Public announcement of severance packages for certain officials
SECTION 15.2-1511. Allowances to injured officials and employees and their dependents
SECTION 15.2-1511.01. Allowances to injured deputy sheriffs
SECTION 15.2-1511.1. Written benefit information to certain employees
SECTION 15.2-1512. Oath and bond
SECTION 15.2-1512.1. Disposition of property received by subdivisions as result of conversion of mutual insurance company to stock corporation
SECTION 15.2-1512.2. Political activities of employees of localities, firefighters, emergency medical services personnel, and law-enforcement officers and certain other officers and employees
SECTION 15.2-1512.3. Telecommuting by local government employees
SECTION 15.2-1512.4. Rights of local employees to contact elected officials
SECTION 15.2-1512.5. Authority of local government employees to issue summonses for misdemeanor violations of certain local ordinances