ARTICLE 9. Directors and Officers  

SECTION 13.1-673. Requirement for and duties of board of directors
SECTION 13.1-674. Qualifications for directors or for nominees for director
SECTION 13.1-675. Number and election of directors
SECTION 13.1-676. Election of directors by certain classes or series of shares
SECTION 13.1-677. Terms of directors generally
SECTION 13.1-678. Staggered terms for directors
SECTION 13.1-679. (Effective July 1, 2021) Resignation of directors
SECTION 13.1-680. Removal of directors by shareholders
SECTION 13.1-681. Repealed
SECTION 13.1-681.1. Removal of directors by judicial proceeding
SECTION 13.1-682. Vacancy on board of directors
SECTION 13.1-683. Compensation of directors
SECTION 13.1-684. Meetings of the board of directors
SECTION 13.1-685. Action without meeting of board of directors
SECTION 13.1-686. Notice of board of directors' meetings
SECTION 13.1-687. Waiver of notice by director
SECTION 13.1-688. Quorum and voting by directors
SECTION 13.1-689. Committees
SECTION 13.1-690. General standards of conduct for director
SECTION 13.1-690.1. Director of open-end management investment company deemed disinterested
SECTION 13.1-691. Director conflict of interests
SECTION 13.1-691.1. Business opportunities
SECTION 13.1-692. Liability for unlawful distributions
SECTION 13.1-692.1. (Effective July 1, 2021) Limitation on liability of officers and directors; exception
SECTION 13.1-693. Required officers
SECTION 13.1-694. Duties of officers
SECTION 13.1-695. (Effective July 1, 2021) Resignation and removal of officers