CHAPTER 16. Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Act  

SECTION 10.1-1600. Definitions
SECTION 10.1-1601. Authority created
SECTION 10.1-1602. Board of directors
SECTION 10.1-1603. Powers of Authority
SECTION 10.1-1604. Form, terms, and execution of bonds
SECTION 10.1-1605. Issuance and sale of bonds
SECTION 10.1-1606. Use of bond proceeds
SECTION 10.1-1607. Interim receipts or temporary bonds
SECTION 10.1-1608. Faith and credit of Commonwealth or political subdivision not pledged
SECTION 10.1-1609. Expenses of the Authority
SECTION 10.1-1610. Trust agreement securing bonds
SECTION 10.1-1611. Moneys received deemed trust funds
SECTION 10.1-1612. Proceedings by bondholder or trustee to enforce rights
SECTION 10.1-1613. Bonds made securities for investment and deposit
SECTION 10.1-1614. Revenue refunding bonds; bonds for refunding and for cost of additional projects
SECTION 10.1-1615. Grants or loans of public or private funds
SECTION 10.1-1616. Exemption from taxes or assessments
SECTION 10.1-1617. Moneys of Authority
SECTION 10.1-1618. Title to property
SECTION 10.1-1619. Violation of regulations
SECTION 10.1-1620. Appointment of special conservators of the peace
SECTION 10.1-1621. Conveyance or lease of park to Authority
SECTION 10.1-1622. Recordation of conveyances of real estate to Authority