ARTICLE 3. Litter Control and Recycling  

SECTION 10.1-1414. Definitions
SECTION 10.1-1415. Litter Control Program
SECTION 10.1-1415.1. Labeling of plastic container products required; penalty
SECTION 10.1-1415.2. Plastic holding device prohibited
SECTION 10.1-1416. Collection and survey of litter
SECTION 10.1-1417. Enforcement of article
SECTION 10.1-1418. Penalty for violation of article
SECTION 10.1-1418.1. Improper disposal of solid waste; civil penalties
SECTION 10.1-1418.2. Improper disposal of tires; exemption; penalty
SECTION 10.1-1418.3. Liability for large waste tire pile fires; exclusions
SECTION 10.1-1418.4. Removal of waste tire piles; cost recovery; right of entry
SECTION 10.1-1418.5. Lien for waste tire pile removal
SECTION 10.1-1419. Litter receptacles; placement; penalty for violations
SECTION 10.1-1420. Litter bag
SECTION 10.1-1421. Responsibility for removal of litter from receptacles
SECTION 10.1-1422. Further duties of Department
SECTION 10.1-1422.01. Litter Control and Recycling Fund established; use of moneys; purpose of Fund
SECTION 10.1-1422.02. Litter Control and Recycling Fund Advisory Board established; duties and responsibilities
SECTION 10.1-1422.03. Membership, meetings, and staffing
SECTION 10.1-1422.04. Local litter prevention and recycling grants; eligibility and funding process
SECTION 10.1-1422.05. Repealed
SECTION 10.1-1422.06. Beneficiation facility as manufacturer for grant purposes
SECTION 10.1-1422.1. Disposal of waste tires
SECTION 10.1-1422.2. Recycling residues; testing
SECTION 10.1-1422.3. Waste Tire Trust Fund established; use of moneys; purpose of Fund
SECTION 10.1-1422.4. Partial reimbursement for waste tires; eligibility; promulgation of regulations
SECTION 10.1-1422.5. Repealed
SECTION 10.1-1422.6. Used motor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters; signs; establishment of statewide program
SECTION 10.1-1423. Notice to public required
SECTION 10.1-1424. Allowing escape of load material; penalty
SECTION 10.1-1424.1. Material containing fully halogenated chloro-fluorocarbons prohibited; penalty
SECTION 10.1-1424.2. Products containing trichloroethylene prohibited; penalty
SECTION 10.1-1425. Preemption of certain local ordinances