ARTICLE 1. General Provisions  

SECTION 10.1-1300. Definitions
SECTION 10.1-1300.1. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail
SECTION 10.1-1301. State Air Pollution Control Board; membership; terms; vacancies
SECTION 10.1-1302. Qualifications of members of Board
SECTION 10.1-1303. Chairman of the Board; Executive Director; cooperation of state agencies
SECTION 10.1-1304. Meetings of Board; quorum
SECTION 10.1-1305. Records of proceedings of Board
SECTION 10.1-1306. Inspections, investigations, etc
SECTION 10.1-1307. Further powers and duties of Board
SECTION 10.1-1307.01. Further duties of Board; localities particularly affected
SECTION 10.1-1307.02. Permit for generation of electricity during ISO-declared emergency
SECTION 10.1-1307.03. Requirements applicable to Outer Continental Shelf sources
SECTION 10.1-1307.1. Department continued; appointment of Director
SECTION 10.1-1307.2. Powers and duties of the Executive Director
SECTION 10.1-1307.3. Executive Director to enforce laws
SECTION 10.1-1308. Regulations
SECTION 10.1-1308.01. Qualified fumigation facilities
SECTION 10.1-1308.1. Streamlined permitting process for qualified energy generators
SECTION 10.1-1309. Issuance of special orders; civil penalties
SECTION 10.1-1309.1. Special orders; penalties
SECTION 10.1-1310. Decision of Board pursuant to hearing
SECTION 10.1-1310.1. Notification of local government
SECTION 10.1-1311. Penalties for noncompliance; judicial review
SECTION 10.1-1312. Air pollution control districts
SECTION 10.1-1313. State Advisory Board on Air Pollution
SECTION 10.1-1314. Owners to furnish plans, specifications and information
SECTION 10.1-1314.1. Protection of trade secrets
SECTION 10.1-1315. Right of entry
SECTION 10.1-1316. Enforcement and civil penalties
SECTION 10.1-1316.1. Severe ozone nonattainment areas; fees
SECTION 10.1-1317. Judicial review of regulations of Board
SECTION 10.1-1318. Appeal from decision of Board
SECTION 10.1-1319. Appeal to Court of Appeals
SECTION 10.1-1320. Penalties; chapter not to affect right to relief or to maintain action
SECTION 10.1-1320.1. Duty of attorney for the Commonwealth
SECTION 10.1-1321. Local ordinances
SECTION 10.1-1321.1. When application for permit considered complete
SECTION 10.1-1322. Permits
SECTION 10.1-1322.01. Permits; procedures for public hearings and permits before the Board
SECTION 10.1-1322.1. Air Pollution Permit Program Fund established; use of moneys
SECTION 10.1-1322.2. Preliminary program permit fees
SECTION 10.1-1322.3. Emissions trading programs; emissions credits; Board to promulgate regulations
SECTION 10.1-1322.4. Permit modifications for alternative fuels or raw materials