ARTICLE 3. Soil and Water Conservation Districts  

SECTION 10.1-506. Power to create new districts and to relocate or define district boundaries; composition of districts
SECTION 10.1-507. Petitions filed with the Board
SECTION 10.1-508. Contents and form of petition
SECTION 10.1-509. Disapproval of petition
SECTION 10.1-510. Petition approved; Board to give notice of hearing
SECTION 10.1-511. Adjournment of hearing when additional territory appears desirable
SECTION 10.1-512. Determination of need for district
SECTION 10.1-513. Determination that district not needed
SECTION 10.1-514. Determination of feasibility of operation
SECTION 10.1-515. Composition of governing body
SECTION 10.1-516. Status of district directors in event of transfer, merger, or division of districts
SECTION 10.1-517. Application and statement to the Secretary of the Commonwealth
SECTION 10.1-518. Action of Secretary on the application and statement; change of name of district
SECTION 10.1-518.1. Secretary to send copies of certificates to State Board of Elections
SECTION 10.1-519. Renewal of petition after disapproval or denial
SECTION 10.1-520. Contracts to remain in force; succession to rights and obligations
SECTION 10.1-521. Determination of status of district boundaries upon annexation or consolidation
SECTION 10.1-522. Certificate of Secretary of Commonwealth as evidence
SECTION 10.1-523. Nominating petitions; posting of notice
SECTION 10.1-524. Names of nominees furnished electoral board; how ballots printed, etc
SECTION 10.1-525. Canvassing returns
SECTION 10.1-526. Persons eligible to vote
SECTION 10.1-527. Determination of candidates elected
SECTION 10.1-528. Expenses and publication of results
SECTION 10.1-529. District directors constitute governing body; qualifications
SECTION 10.1-529.1. Duties of district directors
SECTION 10.1-530. Designation of chairman; terms of office; filling vacancies
SECTION 10.1-531. Quorum and expenses
SECTION 10.1-532. Employment of officers, agents and employees
SECTION 10.1-533. Delegation of powers
SECTION 10.1-534. Information furnished Board
SECTION 10.1-535. Bonds of officers and employees; records and accounts
SECTION 10.1-536. Removal from office
SECTION 10.1-537. Representatives of governing bodies to be invited to consult with directors
SECTION 10.1-538. District is political subdivision
SECTION 10.1-539. Surveys and dissemination of information
SECTION 10.1-540. Demonstrational projects
SECTION 10.1-541. Preventive and control measures
SECTION 10.1-542. Financial aid to agencies and occupiers
SECTION 10.1-543. Acquisition, improvement and disposition of property
SECTION 10.1-544. Making material and equipment available
SECTION 10.1-545. Construction, improvement, operation and maintenance of structures
SECTION 10.1-546. Development of programs and plans
SECTION 10.1-546.1. Delivery of Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program
SECTION 10.1-547. Acquisition and administration of projects; acting as agent for United States, etc.; acceptance of gifts
SECTION 10.1-548. Contracts; rules
SECTION 10.1-549. Cooperation between districts
SECTION 10.1-549.1. Virginia Envirothon
SECTION 10.1-550. State agencies to cooperate
SECTION 10.1-551. Conditions for extension of benefits
SECTION 10.1-552. Renting machinery and equipment
SECTION 10.1-553. Petition by landowners
SECTION 10.1-554. Hearings
SECTION 10.1-555. Referendum
SECTION 10.1-556. Determination of Board
SECTION 10.1-557. Duty of directors after certification of Board
SECTION 10.1-558. Effect of issuance of certificate of dissolution
SECTION 10.1-559. Petitions limited to once in five years