SECTION 8.9A-624. Waiver  

(a) Waiver of disposition notification. A debtor or secondary obligor may waive the right to notification of disposition of collateral under § 8.9A-611 only by an agreement to that effect entered into and authenticated after default.

(b) Waiver of mandatory disposition. A debtor may waive the right to require disposition of collateral under § 8.9A-611 (e) only by an agreement to that effect entered into and authenticated after default.

(c) Waiver of redemption right. Except in a consumer-goods transaction, a debtor or secondary obligor may waive the right to redeem collateral under § 8.9A-611 only by an agreement to that effect entered into and authenticated after default.

Code 1950, § 55-93; 1964, c. 219, §§ 8.9-504, 8.9-505, 8.9-506; 1964, c. 410, § 8.9-505; 1973, c. 509, §§ 8.9-504, 8.9-505; 2000, c. 8.9A-611 .