SECTION 64.2-526. What personal estate to be sold; use of proceeds  

A. Subject to the provisions of Article 2 (§ 64.2-309 et seq.) of Chapter 3 and excluding personal estate that the will directs not to be sold, the personal representative shall sell such assets of the personal estate where the retention of such assets is likely to result in an impairment of value. In conducting such a sale, the personal representative may give reasonable credit and take bond with good security.

B. If, after the sale pursuant to subsection A, the personal estate is not sufficient to pay the funeral expenses, charges of administration, debts, and legacies, the personal representative shall sell so much of the remaining personal estate as is necessary to pay such obligations. In conducting such a sale, the personal representative shall give as much consideration as practicable to preserving specific bequests in the will and to the provisions of Article 2 (§ 64.2-309 et seq.) of Chapter 3.

C. Unless necessary for the payment of funeral expenses, charges of administration, or debts, the personal representative shall not sell personal estate that the will directs not to be sold.

Code 1950, §§ 64-143, 64-144, 64-145; 1966, c. 331; 1968, c. 656, §§ 64.1-153, 64.1-154, 64.1-155; 1981, c. 580; 2012, c. 64.2-309 .