SECTION 64.2-449. Procedure in probate proceedings  

A. In every probate proceeding, the court or clerk may require all testamentary papers of the testator be produced and may compel the production of the will of a testator that is in the custody of any person.

B. A summons may be served by an order of publication on any person interested in the probate of the will in accordance with § 8.01-316 .

C. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem for any person interested in the probate of the will in accordance with § 8.01-316 .

D. The record of the testimony given by witnesses in court on the motion to admit a will to probate and any out of court depositions of witnesses who cannot be produced at a jury trial may be admitted as evidence and given such weight as the jury deems proper.

Code 1950, §§ 64-77, 64-82, 64-87; 1968, c. 656, §§ 64.1-81, 64.1-86, 64.1-91; 2012, c. 8.01-316 ; 2015, c. 8.01-316 .