SECTION 64.2-1429. Notice and bond required prior to transfer  

No order shall be made pursuant to §§ 64.2-1427 and 64.2-1427 until (i) notice of the petition has been published once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper published in the county or city in which the petition is filed, or if there is none, then in a newspaper published in an adjoining county; (ii) it is shown by authentic documentary evidence that the foreign guardian, conservator, or committee has, in the state or country where he qualified, given bond with surety sufficient to insure his accountability for the whole amount of the estate in his possession or that may be received by him; and (iii) the circuit court determines that the removal of such money or property from the Commonwealth will not impair the rights or be prejudicial to the interests either of the infant or incapacitated person or of any other person.

Code 1919, § 5352; 1930, p. 736; Code 1950, § 26-62; 1997, c. 64.2-1427 ; 2012, c. 64.2-1427 .