SECTION 64.2-1423. Trustee not disqualified due to status as stockholder, employee, or officer of corporate noteholder; sale of property by trustee not voidable  

A. The fact that a trustee in a deed of trust to secure a debt due to a corporation is a stockholder, member, employee, officer, or director of, or counsel to, the corporation does not disqualify the trustee from exercising the powers conferred by the deed of trust, nor does it render voidable a sale by the trustee in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by the deed of trust so long as the trustee did not participate in the corporation's decision as to the amount to be bid at the sale of the trust property.

B. In addition to the provisions of subsection A, if the lender secured by the deed of trust bids the amount secured, including interest through the date of sale and costs of foreclosure, the trustee's participation in fixing the bid price by the lender shall not be deemed improper and the sale shall not be rendered voidable solely by reason of the trustee's participation.

C. All sales made before July 1, 1990, by any trustee by virtue of a deed of trust and any deed made by the trustee in pursuance of such sales are hereby declared to be valid and effective in all respects, if otherwise valid according to laws then in force, the same as if the trustee had not been a stockholder, member, employee, officer, or director of, or counsel to, the corporation thereby secured.

1920, p. 502; 1932, p. 523; Michie Code 1942, § 6304b; Code 1950, § 26-58; 1990, c. 763; 2012, c. 614 .