SECTION 63.2-1236. Duty of Department to disseminate information  

The Department shall develop and disseminate information to the public regarding the provisions of parental placement adoptions, including the desirability of initiating the procedures required by § 63.2-1232 as early in the placement and adoption process as possible to ensure that birth parents are aware of the provisions of this law and begin required procedures in a timely manner.

1989, c. 647, § 63.1-220.3; 1991, cc. 364, 602; 1992, c. 125; 1993, cc. 338, 553; 1995, cc. 63.2-1232 , 63.2-1232 ; 1999, c. 63.2-1232 ; 2000, c. 63.2-1232 , § 63.1-219.43; 2002, c. 63.2-1232 .