SECTION 6.2-419. Disclosure of terms of assumption  

A. An owner of residential real estate that is improved by the construction thereon of housing consisting of four or fewer dwelling units and encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust shall have the right, upon written request to any holder of the obligation secured by the mortgage or deed of trust, to receive a written disclosure of whether the holder will permit a qualified purchaser to assume the mortgage or deed of trust. If the answer is in the affirmative, the holder shall disclose the following information regarding the terms of such assumption:

1. The rate of interest to be assumed, which may vary with an exterior standard;

2. The balance of the escrow account, if any;

3. Any fees and charges to be assessed by the holder against the seller and buyer in connection with the assumption;

4. Usual limitations or requirements placed on the assumption; and

5. Other terms and conditions of the assumption deemed pertinent by the holder.

B. The holder shall state the time period during which the terms disclosed pursuant to subsection A shall be valid, together with any limitations thereon.

C. Any holder receiving such a written request from an owner shall respond in writing within 10 business days of the receipt of the request.

D. Any holder receiving a second or subsequent written request with respect to the same mortgage or deed of trust within any 12-month period may charge a fee, not to exceed $15, for each additional request. The fee shall be paid in advance.

1982, c. 233, § 6.1-2.9:3; 1990, c. 7; 2010, c. 794 .