SECTION 58.1-816. Distribution of recordation tax to cities and counties  

A. Effective October 1, 1993, twenty million dollars of the taxes imposed under §§ 58.1-801 through 58.1-801 which are actually paid into the state treasury, shall be distributed among the counties and cities of this Commonwealth in the manner provided in subsection B of this section. Effective July 1, 1994, such annual distribution shall increase to forty million dollars.

B. Subject to any transfers required under §§ 58.1-801 and 58.1-801 , the share of the state taxes distributable under this section among the counties and cities shall be apportioned and distributed quarterly to each county or city by the Comptroller by multiplying the amount to be distributed by a fraction in which the numerator is the amount of the taxes imposed under §§ 58.1-801 through 58.1-801 and actually paid into the state treasury which are attributable to deeds and other instruments recorded in the county or city and the denominator is the amount of taxes imposed under §§ 58.1-801 through 58.1-801 actually paid into the state treasury. All distributions pursuant to this section shall be made on a quarterly basis within thirty days of the end of the quarter. Such quarterly distribution shall equal ten million dollars. Each clerk of the court shall certify to the Comptroller, within fifteen days after the end of the quarter, all amounts collected under §§ 58.1-801 through 58.1-801 and actually paid into the state treasury which are attributable to deeds and other instruments recorded in such county or city.

C. All moneys distributed to counties and cities pursuant to this section shall be used for (i) transportation purposes, including, without limitation, construction, administration, operation, improvement, maintenance and financing of transportation facilities, or (ii) public education.

As used in this section, the term "transportation facilities" shall include all transportation-related facilities including, but not limited to, all highway systems, public transportation or mass transit systems as defined in § 58.1-801 , airports as defined in § 58.1-801 , and port facilities as defined in § 58.1-801 . Such term shall be liberally construed for purposes of this section.

D. If any revenues distributed to a county or city under subsection C of this section are applied or expended for any transportation facilities under the control and jurisdiction of any state agency, board, commission or authority, such transportation facilities shall be constructed, operated, administered, improved and maintained in accordance with laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing such state agency, board, commission or authority; however, in the event these revenues, or a portion thereof, are expended for improving or constructing highways in a county which is subject to the provisions of § 58.1-801 , such expenditures shall be undertaken in the manner prescribed in that statute.

E. In the case of any distribution to a county or city in which an office sharing agreement pursuant to §§ 58.1-801 and 58.1-801 is in effect, the Comptroller shall divide the distribution among the office sharing counties and cities. Each clerk of the court acting pursuant to an office sharing agreement shall certify to the Comptroller, within fifteen days after the end of the quarter, all amounts collected under §§ 58.1-801 through 58.1-801 and actually paid into the state treasury which are attributable to deeds and other instruments recorded on behalf of each county and city.

1989, c. 713; 1990, c. 821; 1993, c. 391.