SECTION 58.1-660. Sale of business  

If any communications services provider liable for any tax, penalty, or interest levied by this chapter sells his business or stock of goods or quits the business, he shall make a final return and payment within 15 days after the date of selling or quitting the business. His successors or assigns, if any, shall withhold a sufficient amount of the purchase money to cover taxes, penalties, and interest due and unpaid until the former owner produces a receipt from the Tax Commissioner showing that all taxes, penalties, and interest have been paid or a certificate stating that no taxes, penalties, or interest are due. If the purchaser of a business or stock of goods fails to withhold the purchase money as required above, he shall be personally liable for the payment of the taxes, penalties, and interest due and unpaid that were incurred by the business operation of the former owner. In no event, however, shall the tax, penalties, and interest due by the purchaser be more than the purchase price paid for the business or stock of goods.

2006, c. 780 .