SECTION 58.1-638.2. (Contingent effective date -- see note) Disposition of state and local sales tax revenue collected pursuant to federal legislation granting remote collection authority  

Notwithstanding any provisions of § 58.1-638 to the contrary, any state and local sales and use tax revenue collected pursuant to federal legislation granting the Commonwealth authority to compel remote sellers to collect the tax for sales made into the Commonwealth shall be paid in the manner provided in this section:

1. The sales and use tax revenue generated by a one percent sales and use tax shall be distributed among the counties and cities of the Commonwealth in the manner provided in subsections F and G of §§ 58.1-638 and 58.1-638 . Each locality shall be required to designate an amount equal to 50 percent of the local sales and use tax distribution to transportation needs.

2. The sales and use tax revenue generated by a one percent sales and use tax shall be distributed among the counties and cities of the Commonwealth in the manner provided in subsections C and D of § 58.1-638 .

3. The sales and use tax revenue generated by a 0.25 percent sales and use tax shall be distributed among the counties and cities of the Commonwealth in the manner provided in § 58.1-638 .

4. The Comptroller shall transfer annually to each locality that levied the local tax on fuels for domestic consumption pursuant to the former § 58.1-638 an amount to compensate the locality for the locality's revenue loss resulting from cessation of the local authority to impose tax on the sale of fuel for domestic consumption due to the repeal of § 58.1-638 . The amount paid to the locality shall be an amount equal to the locality's revenue from its tax on fuels for domestic consumption in the calendar year prior to the repeal of § 58.1-638 , but the aggregate amount of such revenue paid to all localities shall not exceed $7.5 million per year. If the total aggregate amount exceeds $7.5 million, then each locality shall receive a pro rata portion based on the proportion that the locality's revenue from its tax on fuels for domestic consumption in the calendar year preceding the repeal of § 58.1-638 is to the total amount of such revenue in all localities that levied such tax.

5. Notwithstanding §§ 58.1-638 , 58.1-638 , and 58.1-638 , all remaining revenue collected pursuant to this section, as estimated by the Department, shall be transferred to the Transportation Trust Fund to be allocated pursuant to § 58.1-638 .

2013, c. 58.1-638 .

*This section is set out twice because the 14th enactment of Chapter 766 of the Acts of Assembly of 2013 states: "That the provisions of this act that generate additional revenue through state taxes or fees for transportation (i) throughout the Commonwealth and in Planning District 8 and Planning District 23 or (ii) in any other Planning District that becomes subject to the state taxes or fees imposed solely in Planning Districts pursuant to this act shall expire on December 31 of any year in which the General Assembly appropriates any of such additional revenues for any non-transportation-related purpose or transfers any of such additional revenues that are to be deposited into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund or any subfund thereof pursuant to general law for a non-transportation-related purpose. In the event a local government of any county or city wherein the additional taxes and fees are levied appropriates or allocates any of such additional revenues to a non-transportation purpose, such locality shall not be the direct beneficiary of any of the revenues generated by the taxes or fees in the year immediately succeeding the year in which revenues were appropriated or allocated to a non-transportation purpose."