SECTION 58.1-3989. Remedy applicable upon general reassessments; all changes to be certified to commissioners  

Sections 58.1-3984 through 58.1-3984 , insofar as they apply to real estate, shall be construed to include assessments made at a general reassessment, and the remedy therein provided shall be available to any person assessed at such general reassessment although no taxes may have been extended on the basis of such assessment at the time the application is filed. Whenever a correction of a real estate assessment is ordered by a court, whether such assessment was made at a general reassessment or not, the clerk of the court shall certify to the proper commissioner of the revenue and treasurer the changes made by the court so that they may note such changes on the land assessment books.

Code 1950, § 58-1151; 1984, c. 675.