SECTION 58.1-3817. Classification of events to which admission is charged  

In accordance with the provisions of Article X, Section 1 of the Constitution of Virginia, events to which admission is charged shall be divided into the following classes for the purposes of taxation:

1. Admissions charged for attendance at any event, the gross receipts of which go wholly to charitable purpose or purposes.

2. Admissions charged for attendance at public and private elementary, secondary, and college school-sponsored events, including events sponsored by school-recognized student organizations.

3. Admissions charged for entry into museums, botanical or similar gardens, and zoos.

4. Admissions charged to participants in order to participate in sporting events.

5. Admissions charged for entry into major league baseball games and events at any major league baseball stadium which has seating for at least 40,000 persons.

6. All other admissions.

Code 1950, § 58-404.1; 1950, p. 635; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 1; 1984, c. 675; 1989, c. 291; 1997, c. 287 .