SECTION 58.1-3518.1. Alternative method of filing returns for motor vehicles, trailers and boats  

A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 58.1-3518 , the governing body of any county, city or town may provide by ordinance for an alternative method of filing personal property tax returns for motor vehicles, trailers and boats. Any such ordinance adopted pursuant to this section may provide for the annual assessment and taxation of motor vehicles, trailers and boats based on a previous personal property tax return filed by the owner or owners of such property. For those whose name or address has not changed since a previous filing and whose personal property has had no change in status or situs, the assessment and taxation of property may be based on a personal property tax return previously filed with the jurisdiction adopting such an alternative method.

B. Any jurisdiction adopting such an alternative method may require the owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or boat to file a new personal property tax return whenever there is: (i) a change in the name or address of the person or persons owning taxable personal property; (ii) a change in the situs of personal property; (iii) any other change affecting the assessment or levy of the personal property tax on motor vehicles, trailers or boats for which a tax return has been filed previously; or (iv) any change in which a person acquires one or more motor vehicles, trailers or boats and for which no personal property tax return has been filed.

C. Nothing in this section shall preclude any jurisdiction from assessing taxable personal property in accordance with § 58.1-3518 or assessing penalties and interest in accordance with § 58.1-3518 .

1994, c. 58.1-3518 ; 1996, c. 58.1-3518 .