SECTION 58.1-341.1. Returns of individuals; required information  

A. For all taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 1995, the Department of Taxation shall include in any packet of instructions and forms for individual income tax returns an application to register to vote by mail and appropriate instructions for the completion and mailing of the application to register to vote. The form of the application shall be prescribed and the instructions shall be provided by the State Board of Elections.

B. For all taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2021, the Department of Taxation shall include on the appropriate individual income tax return forms a checkoff box or similar mechanism for indicating whether the individual, or spouse in the case of a married taxpayer filing jointly, or any dependent of the individual (i) is an uninsured individual at the time the return is filed and (ii) voluntarily consents to the Department of Taxation providing the individual's tax information, as provided in clause (xxii) of subsection C of § 58.1-3 , to the Department of Medical Assistance Services for purposes of affirming that the individual, the individual's spouse, or any dependent of the individual meets the income eligibility for medical assistance. Such information shall not be used to determine an individual is ineligible for medical assistance.

1994, c. 58.1-3 ; 2020, cc. 58.1-3 , 58.1-3 .