SECTION 58.1-3304. Lists of judgments for partition or recovery of lands and of lands devised  

The clerk of every court in which judgments are required to be docketed, except such clerks in cities having a population of more than 219,000 but not more than 300,000 and in cities having a population of more than 70,000 but not more than 86,000 and adjoining a city having a population of more than 200,000, shall make out a list of all judgments and decrees for the partition or recovery of lands which have been rendered and of all lands devised by will, which have been recorded in such court within the year ending on December 31 next preceding. The list shall state the date of the decree, the land which is the subject of the partition and between whom and in what proportion it is divided or, as the case may be, the date of the will containing the devise, when admitted to record, the names of the devisor and devisee and the description of the land devised. The clerk shall deliver the list to the commissioner for his county or city on or before January 15 in each year.

Upon receipt of any such list as hereinbefore provided for, the commissioner shall promptly and carefully check the list against the records in the office of the clerk who furnished the same and, if he finds any errors in the list, he shall make proper correction thereof.

Code 1950, § 58-798; 1956, c. 34; 1962, c. 236; 1964, c. 488; 1984, c. 675.