SECTION 58.1-3172. Lien of judgment and execution in such proceeding  

A judgment obtained pursuant to § 58.1-3171 , against the treasurer or against the treasurer and his sureties, jointly or severally, shall be a lien on all real estate owned by such treasurer or surety in any county or city of the Commonwealth. Such lien shall arise at the time the motion provided for in § 58.1-3171 is recorded and indexed in such county or city. An execution on such judgment shall bind all the personal estate of such treasurer and sureties, jointly and severally, respectively, at the time such motion is recorded and indexed before the return day of such execution. However such execution shall not be binding as against (i) an assignee for valuable consideration of any of such personal estate which is not capable of being levied on under an execution or (ii) a person making a payment to such treasurer. The lien of the execution by virtue of this section shall not affect such assignee or person making payment unless he had notice of the execution or of the pendency of the proceeding at the time of the assignment or payment, as the case may be.

Code 1950, § 58-977; 1984, c. 675.