SECTION 58.1-3171. Attorney General to proceed against delinquent treasurers and their sureties; recordation of notice  

The Attorney General shall proceed against all treasurers who are in default and against their sureties for the recovery of the amounts due from such treasurers, respectively, upon receiving from the Comptroller information of such default. The proceedings may be by motion in the appropriate circuit court. Copies of such motion, certified by the clerk of the court, shall be forthwith sent by the Attorney General to any of the clerks of the circuit courts of the counties and cities wherein it is ascertained that such treasurer or his sureties have any estate. The clerk to whom any such copy is so sent shall record it in the same manner required by law for recordation of a deed and index the copy in the name of the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 58-976; 1984, c. 675.