SECTION 58.1-3162. Disbursement of money deposited  

A. Money deposited under the provisions of this article shall be disbursed only upon checks signed by the county treasurer and drawn in payment of lawfully issued and properly drawn orders or warrants and lawfully issued and properly drawn and matured bonds, notes or other obligations of the county, for the payment of which funds are available.

B. This section shall not be construed as preventing any county treasurer or his duly authorized deputy from (i) transferring, by check or wire transfer, money from one approved depository to another, (ii) from settling with the Commonwealth, without an order from the governing body of his county, for state revenues or other items collected and remittable by him to the State Treasurer, or (iii) from paying to the State Treasurer without an order from the board of supervisors or other governing body of his county, any amount or amounts pursuant to provisions of law.

C. Any governing body may require that checks issued pursuant to the provisions of this section be countersigned and may appoint such person or persons as it may desire for the purpose.

D. This section shall not be construed as imposing upon any depository any obligation to determine whether any check issued pursuant to the provisions of this section was issued for any purpose or purposes other than those specified herein or as imposing any liability upon any such depository for paying any check so issued.

E. The treasurer may, with the approval of the governing body, by resolution entered of record on the minute book of the board, authorize one or more of his deputies to sign any such checks whenever the necessity therefor shall arise by reason of the sickness or unavoidable absence of the treasurer or his inability to sign such checks for any other reason.

Code 1950, § 58-951; 1960, c. 526; 1978, c. 25; 1984, c. 675.