SECTION 58.1-3128. Power to summon taxpayers and other persons; penalty  

A. The treasurer may, for the purpose of collecting all taxes due, summon the taxpayer or any other person to appear before him at his office, to answer, under oath, questions touching the tax liability of any and all taxpayers and to produce documents relating to such tax liability, either or both. For the purposes of administering this section, treasurers and their deputies may administer oaths.

B. Any person who refuses to answer, under oath, questions touching any person's tax liability shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. Each days' refusal to answer such questions shall constitute a separate offense. Any court of competent jurisdiction may, upon the application of the treasurer or his deputy, compel the compliance of a taxpayer summoned or required to produce documents as required by this section.

C. Every writ, warrant, notice, summons or other process the treasurer is authorized to issue pursuant to general or local law may be served by the treasurer, or his deputy or designee, or may be directed to the sheriff to be served pursuant to § 8.01-292 and executed and returned in like manner as the civil process of a court of competent jurisdiction.

1984, c. 675; 1997, c. 8.01-292 ; 1998, c. 8.01-292 ; 1999, c. 8.01-292 ; 2000, c. 8.01-292 .