SECTION 58.1-2674.1. Application for correction of certification to Department of Taxation  

Any telecommunications company or electric supplier aggrieved by any action of the Commission in the certification of gross receipts to the Department of Taxation as required by § 58.1-400.1 or § 58.1-400.1 may apply to the Commission for review and correction of any specified item or items of a certification. Such application shall be in a form prescribed by the Commission and shall be filed within 18 months of the date of the certification to the Department of Taxation after which date the Commission shall have no authority under this section or any other provision of law to receive any application or complaint concerning the certification. The Commission shall provide for notice to the Department of Taxation of any application. If, from the evidence introduced at any hearing on the application or its own investigation, the Commission finds that the certification is incorrect, it shall correct the certification to the Department of Taxation.

2000, c. 58.1-400.1 ; 2004, c. 58.1-400.1 .