SECTION 58.1-2653. Annual report of railroads and freight car companies  

A. Every railroad shall report on or before April 15, to the Department, its real and tangible personal property, including real property used for common carrier purposes, of every description as of December 31 preceding and the county, city, town or magisterial district in which it is located. The lien of the Commonwealth or political subdivision thereof for taxes levied on such property for all purposes shall attach to such property on December 31 next preceding. The Department shall furnish each county, city, town or magisterial district a copy of the report of nonoperating (noncarrier) property pertaining to such locality.

B. Every freight car company shall, on or before April 15, report to the Department the aggregate number of miles traveled by its cars in the Commonwealth during the year ending December 31 next preceding and the average number of miles traveled per day by each class of car as established by the Tax Commissioner. Each railroad owning a line in the Commonwealth over which cars of a freight car company travel shall on its annual report show the total number of miles made by such cars during the year ending December 31 next preceding, the company name and aggregate number of miles traveled by cars thereof and the average number of miles traveled per day by each class of car during the year.

C. Each report shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the Tax Commissioner. Such forms may require any information necessary to enable the Department to properly ascertain the value of and assess such property.

D. Each report shall be verified by the oath of the president or other proper officer of such company.

Code 1950, §§ 58-524, 58-525, 58-528, 58-556, 58-557; 1956, c. 69; 1960, c. 346; 1964, c. 425; 1972, c. 813; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 30; 1992, c. 388.